Source code for ohbm.utils

utils: part of the nidm-api
general functions for the api


from pokemon.skills import get_ascii
import __init__
import xmltodict
import requests
import stat
import json
import os
import re

[docs]def get_url(url): '''get_url returns a result from a url using requests module :param url: the url to retrieve ''' response = requests.get(url) if response.status_code == 200: result = xmltodict.parse(response.text) if "rst" in result: result = result['rst'] if "err" in result: message = "%s (%s)" %(result['err']['@msg'],result['err']['@code']) get_ascii(name="psyduck",message=message) return result
[docs]def get_installdir(): '''get_installdir returns installation directory of nidm-api ''' return os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__init__.__file__))
[docs]def ordered_to_dict(ordered_dict): '''ordered_to_dict converts an input ordered dict into a standard dict :param ordered_dict: the ordered dict ''' return json.loads(json.dumps(ordered_dict))
[docs]def parse_item(result,item): '''parse_item is a general function for looking one level into a result dictionary, for example returning result['event'] if it exists, where 'event' is the item. For function calls with two levels (['events']['event'] see parse_items. :param item: the name of the item (eg, event,exhibitor) ''' if item in result: print("Found %s!" %(item)) result = result[item] else: print("No %s found." %(item)) return ordered_to_dict(result)
[docs]def parse_items(result,item): '''parse_items is a general function for looking TWO levels into a result dictionary, for example returning result['events']['event'] if it exists, where 'event' is the item. For function calls with one levels (['event'] see parse_item. :param item: the name of the item (eg, event,exhibitor) ''' items = '%ss' %(item) if items in result: if item in result[items]: result = result[items][item] print("Found %s %s!" %(len(result),items)) else: print("No %s found." %(items)) return ordered_to_dict(result)
[docs]def capitalize(word): '''capitalize an input word. :param word: the string to capitalize ''' return word.upper()