Source code for ohbm.planner

planner: part of the ohbm-api


from ohbm.utils import get_url, ordered_to_dict, parse_item, parse_items

[docs]class Planner(): def __init__(self,api=None): if api == None: print("Please use this module from ohbm.api") else: self.api = api
[docs] def get_result(self,url,args=None): '''get_result takes a url and adds the apiKey for the get_result from utils :param url: the url to get the result for :param args: a dictionary of {"argumentName":value} to pass to the URL ''' if args != None: for arg_name,arg_value in args.iteritems(): if arg_value != None: url = "%s&%s=%s" %(url,arg_name,arg_value) url = "%s&apiKey=%s" %(url,self.api.key) return get_url(url)
[docs] def getActivities(self,plannerID=None,activityID=None,startsOn=None,startsOnOrAfter=None,startsOnOrBefore=None, insertedOn=None,insertedOnOrAfter=None,insertedOnOrBefore=None): '''getActivities Returns an XML payload containing activity details. This payload includes the activity's title, codes, start/end dates, description, location, and ACCME PARS information. This payload also contains a listing of the activity's public role assignments. Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=getActivities Parameter Options: :param plannerID: Numeric identifier for a valid planner. Use this parameter to request the details of a single planner. :param activityID: Numeric identifier for a valid activity. Use this this parameter to request the details of a single activity. :param startsOn: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that begins on this date. :param startsOnOrAfter: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that begins on or after this date. :param startsOnOrBefore: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that begins on or before this date. :param insertedOn: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that was added to the system on this date. :param insertedOnOrAfter: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that was added to the system on or after this date. :param insertedOnOrBefore: Date value containing a valid date. Use this parameter to request the details of any activity that was added to the system on or before this date. ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=getActivities" %(self.api.base) args = {"plannerID":plannerID, "activityID":activityID, "startsOn":startsOn, "startsOnOrAfter":startsOnOrAfter, "startsOnOrBefore":startsOnOrBefore, "insertedOn":insertedOn, "insertedOnOrAfter":insertedOnOrAfter, "insertedOnOrBefore":insertedOnOrBefore} result = self.get_result(url,args) # Note to developer - in testing, I would have assumed that a call without any args would return all # activities - the result was empty. This is either not developed, or a bug, so the result here is not # parse in any way. return ordered_to_dict(result)
[docs] def getActivity(self,plannerID,activityID): '''getActivity Returns an XML payload containing an activity's details. This payload includes the activity's title, codes, start/end dates, description, location, and ACCME PARS information. This payload also contains a listing of the activity's public role assignments and event (if the activity is one-to-one) Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=getActivity Parameter Options: :param *plannerID: Numeric identifier for a valid planner. Use this parameter to request the details of a single planner. :param *activityID: Numeric identifier for a valid activity. Use this this parameter to request the details of a single activity. ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=getActivity" %(self.api.base) args = {"plannerID":plannerID, "activityID":activityID} result = self.get_result(url,args) # Note to developer - same issue here, not sure about the format this will be returned in, so returning raw return ordered_to_dict(result)