Source code for ohbm.categories

categories: part of the ohbm-api


from ohbm.utils import get_url, ordered_to_dict

[docs]class Categories(): def __init__(self,api=None): if api == None: print("Please use this module from ohbm.api") else: self.api = api
[docs] def get_result(self,url,args=None): '''get_result takes a url and adds the apiKey for the get_result from utils :param url: the url to get the result for :param args: a dictionary of {"argumentName":value} to pass to the URL ''' if args != None: for arg_name,arg_value in args.iteritems(): if arg_value != None: url = "%s&%s=%s" %(url,arg_name,arg_value) url = "%s&apiKey=%s" %(url,self.api.key) return get_url(url)
[docs] def getCategories(self,categoryTypeID=None,includeAdminOnlyCategories=None): '''getCategories Returns an XML payload containing a full listing of all category data. Category data consists primarily of the category name and sub-categories. Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=getCategories Parameter Options: :param categoryTypeID: Integer valid values: 1= Event, 2=Exhibitor & 3=Abstract If not provided the system defaults to sending Event categories. :param includeAdminOnlyCategories: 0 or 1 (represents true or false). ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=getCategories" %(self.api.base) args = {"categoryTypeID":categoryTypeID, "includeAdminOnlyCategories":includeAdminOnlyCategories} result = self.get_result(url,args) if "categories" in result: if "category" in result['categories']: result = result["categories"]["category"] print("Found %s categories!" %(len(result))) return ordered_to_dict(result)