Source code for ohbm.auth

auth: part of the ohbm-api


from ohbm.utils import get_url, ordered_to_dict, parse_item, parse_items

[docs]class Authenticate(): def __init__(self,api=None): if api == None: print("Please use this module from ohbm.api") else: self.api = api
[docs] def get_result(self,url,args=None): '''get_result takes a url and adds the apiKey for the get_result from utils :param url: the url to get the result for :param args: a dictionary of {"argumentName":value} to pass to the URL ''' if args != None: for arg_name,arg_value in args.iteritems(): if arg_value != None: url = "%s&%s=%s" %(url,arg_name,arg_value) url = "%s&apiKey=%s" %(url,self.api.key) return get_url(url)
[docs] def authenticateBase(self,url,username,password): '''a general function for authenticating, and returning result :param *url: the URL to send the request to :param *username: the username :param *password: the password ''' args = {"username":username, "password":password} result = self.get_result(url,args) if 'authentication' in result: result = result['authentication'] if "@result" in result: print("Credentials are %s" %(result['@result'])) return ordered_to_dict(result)
[docs] def authenticatePerson(self,username,password): '''authenticatePerson Returns an XML payload used to indicate if the sign in credentials provided are valid. When valid credentials are provided the XML payload will return the person's first name, last name, company and email. Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticatePerson Parameter Options: :param *username: Text string of the person's username :param *password: Text string of the person's password ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticatePerson" %(self.api.base) return self.authenticateBase(url,username,password)
[docs] def authenticateCompany(self,username,password): '''authenticateCompany Returns an XML payload used to indicate if the sign in credentials provided are valid. When valid credentials are provided the XML payload will return the company contact's first name, last name, company and email. Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticateCompany Parameter Options: :param *username: Text string of the person's username :param *password: Text string of the person's password ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticateCompany" %(self.api.base) return self.authenticateBase(url,username,password)
[docs] def authenticateVendor(self,username,password): '''authenticateVendor Returns an XML payload used to indicate if the sign in credentials provided are valid. When valid credentials are provided the XML payload will return the vendor company and email. Sample Request URL: http://.../?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticateVendor Parameter Options: :param *username: Text string of the person's username :param *password: Text string of the person's password ''' url = "%s/?do=cnt.getservice&service=authenticateVendor" %(self.api.base) return self.authenticateBase(url,username,password)